The world can be imaginated as place, where national gallery is missing. This variation on famous Basel answer is resumming the basic shape of new symbol and the influence of past one. What F. C. Bohlen thinks about it, we could not find out. The exibition of winner´s works for new visual identity will be held in Café Jedna in Fair Trade Palace untill June 3th.
Empty places as space for imagination are so called trends. New visual identity was presented by National Gallery Prague. The contest winner was Anymade Studio, whose creators worked with initial letters of gallery name and empty space for adding complements.
The letters NGP are easy to understand even in foreign languages, e.c. National Gallery Prague in english. Minor change of name (National Gallery Prague) is connected to new image. „There is emphasis on its unique location to be not mistaken with other world galleries, explains director Jiří Fajt. The influence of icelandic culture is considered too, there is missing the czech baroque dome.
The winner of 1,3 million contract is Studio Najbrt. Its design will be applied on all next propagation on posters, websites and navigation system. The navigation system will be introduced during next year. The authors of design are Martin Vácha, Andrea Vacovská, Zdeněk Trinkewitz and Michael Dolejš.
The company of artist Aleš Najbrt is specialized on contracts of this type. Their work is e.c. corporate identity of Czech Railways, visual style of Masaryk university, International Film Festival Karlovy Vary. Graphical designs for exhibition of Gerhard Richter was their work in last year. They collaborate also with Prague City Gallery and Zdeněk Sklenář Gallery.