June 19, 2019 - July 13, 2019
Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art at The University of West Bohemia in Pilsen: The World of TomorrowNová síň Gallery, Voršilská 3, Praha 1June 19, 2019 - July 13, 2019
The group exhibition The World of Tomorrow brings together artwork of the influential Czech designer and artist Ladislav Sutnar (1897–1976) with the work of exceptional talents from the Plzeň-based Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art at The University of West Bohemia. The project's title refers directly to the pivotal 1939 New York World Fair for which Sutnar designed an exhibition of Czechoslovak prosperity. Today, “The World of Tomorrow” announces the arrival of a new generation of artists to the contemporary art scene with a playful sense of grandeur. Vojtěch Aubrecht, Kristina Bártová, Barbora Burianová & Dilna Rekords, Pavel Dobrovolný, Dagmar Dolíhalová, Adam Frk, Julie Hojdová, Volha Huseva, Bedřich Kocman, Jan Korabečný, Adéla Kristejnová, Martin Pertlíček, Michaela Šimůnková, Ladislav Sutnar, Vojtěch Sofka, Benedikt Tolar, Rostislav Vaněk. Curator: Jan Van Woensel