January 31, 2019 - March 16, 2019
Dušan Karpatský : Known and unknownNational Library of the czech Republic Klementinum, vchod A, Klementinum 190, Prague 1January 31, 2019 - March 16, 2019
www.en.nkp.cz/aktuality/novinky-titulni-strana/dusan-karpatsky-2013-known-and-unknown The exhibition unfolds the life and work of this exceptionally prolific author. It features not only his nearly 60-year long translating activities in the field of Slavonic languages, but also his own works dedicated to literary history, dictionaries and bibliographies published in print. Less known are his diggressions to the world of theatre and initiating and organizing civic activities to preserve the integrity of Bosnia and Herzegovina. This story of his life reflects the fate of a whole generation to which belong for instance Václav Havel, Jiří Mencl, Jiří Gruša, Antonín Přidal, Jana Štroblová, Jan Zábrana, Jiří Pištora.