November 23, 2017 - January 14, 2018
Tomáš Hodboď − I would say, I won´t say itRegional Gallery of Vysočina in Jihlava - Komenského 10, JihlavaNovember 23, 2017 - January 14, 2018
opening 23. 11. 2017 at 18 pm. At the opening will perform: Duckinem (representative of duck hop from New York)curator: Ignác Rejsek
Tomáš Hodboď returns from his gatherer adventure. He has a broken rib. he is igniting one cigarette from the other. He misses his sleep as well as his daily stay outside. He has a taste for drugs so he does not have to feel the stress of "everyday life", but he has enough money to go to Prague and lose it. Our recent interview began by identifying how difficult it is to make an exhibition when the sense of such an activity fades away from the need to breathe. It was difficult to persuade him to try to materialize his current view of the world in Gallery Alternative. He kept saying that reality simply is and we do not have to look for, change or create new and better. It simply exists in its perfection, we only can not perceive it. Výstava by tedy mohla začít konstatováním, že život může být strašidelně jednoduchý. Jak ale dospět a přijmout takové poznání? Jde to skrze práci, dobročinnost či víru v lepší systém? Řekněme, že poznání pravdy či podstaty je odvislé od svobody, možnosti ducha vidět věci takové, jaké jsou. Nezávisle na tom, jak by je vidět chtěl, tedy lepší, spravedlivější, krásnější, zdravější, spokojenější, bohatší atd. The exhibition could then begin by saying that life can be terribly simple. But how come and receive such knowledge? Is it through work, charity, or belief in a better system? Let's say that the knowledge of truth or substance is dependent on freedom, the ability of the spirit to see things as they are. No matter how he would want to see them, wheter they are better, fairer, more beautiful, healthier, happier, richer, Formally, this is a combination of a video-record of an author's interview with himself and the installation that communicates with the spectator with the coded language, and it is up to him whether he will be willing and able to understand the message. On the content page, the exhibition touches on simple knowledge and the possibility of sharing with yourself or with a visitor to the gallery. Ignác Rejsek