December 1, 2017 - March 18, 2018
Norbert Grund (1717–1767) − The Charm of EverydayNational Gallery in Prague - Kinský Palace, Staroměstské náměstí 12, Prague 1December 1, 2017 - March 18, 2018
The National Gallery in Prague is preparing an exhibition entitled Norbert Grund (1717–1767). The Charm of Everyday, to be held at the turn of this year. This project will present to the general public the scope of the genre paintings of this important representative of local rococo style, the 300th anniversary of whose birth will be commemorated on December 4. An exceptionally abundant repertory of themes reflects the various sources of inspiration of Grund’s works, whose selection will also be shown to the viewers for comparison. The exhibition will likewise be supplied with examples of the contemporaneous applied arts and prints made by Johann Georg Balzer, which prove the popularity of Grund’s oeuvre.