June 17, 2022 - October 14, 2022
Never Stop LongingZdeněk Sklenář Gallery, Mikulandská 135/7, Praha 1June 17, 2022 - October 14, 2022
A rare encounter with extraordinary artworks. A unique opportunity to expand your collection. This exhibition presents works by exceptional artists who have significantly changed the face of our art over the past 120 years. The title is based on the longing of each one of us to live in harmony. Jan Zrzavý wrote that “Beauty is our highest purpose and goal,” and so I would like to present to you some rare works for which I never stop longing. I hope that this exhibition will be both encouragement and a deep experience for you, and that you realise that only one who continues to long truly lives. NEVER STOP LONGING… Zdeněk Sklenář, 3 June 2022 |