February 20, 2019 - June 2, 2019
Clifford Seidling: PhotographsJosef Sudek Gallery, Úvoz 24, Prague 1February 20, 2019 - June 2, 2019
http://www.upm.cz/index.php?page=123&year=2019&id=342&language=en In the Josef Sudek Gallery’s exhibition programmme, we often return to neglected personalities of Czech photography. Clifford Seidling was born in 1933 in Prague into a Czech-German family; in 1948–1951 he studied at the State Vocational School for Graphic Arts in Prague and afterwards worked in the portrait studios of the Fotografia cooperative. In the late fifties he produced superb studio and outdoor photographs. In 1972 he joined the Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague where, apart from his photographic practice, he engaged in issues related to the conservation and restoration of photographs. From the mid-sixties in his own work, he focused on the theme of the staged male nude. Seidling’ contribution to this artistic field is entirely exceptional. He showed the male body in original compositions imbued with aesthetic refinement and audacity. Also important were his freelance teaching activities at the Prague Film Academy, where, among others, he taught students associated with the Slovak New Wave. |