June 28, 2018 - September 30, 2018
Plečnik House: The Architect’s Experimental HotbedThe City of Prague Museum - Study and Documentation Centre Norbertov, Nad Hradním vodojemem 53/13, Prague 6June 28, 2018 - September 30, 2018
http://en.muzeumprahy.cz/plecnik-house-the-architect-s-experimental-hotbed/ The Prague audience has a great opportunity to visit the house of the architect Jože Plečnik in Ljubljana from June to September of this year by means of an exhibition held in the Norbertov Study and Documentation Centre. The Ljubljana Museum, which is in charge of Jože Plečnik’s house, has devised this travelling exhibition. It describes the arduous renovation process of this modern architecture monument which opened in 2015 to present the famous architect’s authentic life and workspace. The historical black and white photographs are supplemented with recent colour photos of the house and the original materials from Plečnik’s collection. The City of Prague Museum thus continues the presentation of restored historical buildings which began with the exhibition about the Villa Müller reconstruction.