May 3, 2018 - May 28, 2018
Luboš Plný: Preserved RemainsArtinbox Gallery, Perlova 3, Dům v Kisně, Prague 1May 3, 2018 - May 28, 2018
curated by: Nadia Rovderová technical cooperation: Lucie Černá, Antonín Vrňák, Terezie Zemánková, Dana Michlová – rámování, Karel Urban – překlady, Ksenyie Chudarova
technická spolupráce / technical cooperation: Lucie Černá, Antonín Vrňák, Terezie Zemánková, Dana Michlová – rámování, Ksenyie Chudarova Výstavu podpořili / exhibition is supported by: Magistát hlavního města Prahy a Státní fond kultury MKČR Událost na FB / FB event: Exhibition of drawings, paintings and collages from the early 90s of the last century. Luboš Plný - this time in a black-humorous meditation on the theme of eternal human destiny of confrontation with physical pain and death through a collection of previously unknown author’s artwork – drawings, paintings and collages from the early 90s of the last century. The exhibition includes a series of photographs from the Stitching series. In 2003 author tested the limits of his own pain and underwent stitching in different parts of his body. |