April 29, 2018 - May 27, 2018
Angelus/Orr: City CrownMeetFactory - Gallery Kostka, Ke Sklárně 15, Prague 5April 29, 2018 - May 27, 2018
Artists: Micah Angelus, Elizabeth Orr
...I ask the person on my left: "Are your keystones always set in a red cement?"... Research of Czech monuments and public sculpture led U.S. based artist collaboration A/O (Micah Angelus and Elizabeth Orr) to propose that violence and time can be embed in monuments. The first large-scale collaboration of A/O, City Crown, uses sculpture as a form to hold ideologies and critique. Walls, objects, and fragments based on historical monuments and public sculptures are placed inside tents made out of printed images. Through this artwork, A/O are testing models of political and formal critique